Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year Resolutions

It's that time again! A whole bunch of calendars get thrown away, people make outrageous commitments to get in shape, half the civilized world gets trashed and then decides to play with fireworks (a brilliant combination). Of course, it's New Years! That time of resurgent hope and optimism that enables people to live rich, fulfilling lives complete with healthy changes... until February 2nd hits and then all bets are off. 

Who knows why this happens? Maybe our resolve is scared away by the ground hog's shadow or something ridiculous like that. Or, it could be that it takes more than a moment's decision to impact our lives with any lasting benefit.

Don't get me wrong, resolutions are a great thing. Everyone should practice the introspection of their lives and see clearly where they could (and should) improve. People have the common resolve to be healthy, get into shape, stop smoking, be more adventurous, etc... But what most people lack is the staying power to see these changes through to the end of the next year and beyond.

Well, my resolutions aren't going to fail this year. I have a systematic plan. It's all about baby steps!

By the end of the year, I will be able to do 365 of any of these exercises:
-Jumping jacks

How am I going to get there? Easily! I will start by adding ONE extra rep each day. Today, one push-up. Tomorrow, two. And so on and so forth until I am Hulk-like by the end of the year. 

Insane life goals are so much easier when you take it one step at a time. Sure, I'd love to just do the power 90 and do something hyper intense and see results quickly, but I think it's better to grow into something. Something intense may make an impact on my life, but I want transformation. I want to BECOME fit and not just experience it for a while. I want there to be a consistency in what I do. (Imagine being able to do 365 of each of these exercises EVERY day!)

I know, being fit is cliche... but that's one thing I want. I DO have another resolution, but this one needs your help:

I want my internet postings to actually make me some spending cash!

Something that I had discovered the other day; did you know that blogs and YouTube will PAY you if you have enough views or people clicking on ads? I thought that was just a whole bunch of nothing. Empty promises. But I checked on how much my blog has made in the past 2 years of its existence and I was shocked to find that I had accrued a stellar $1.90! Yes... that's not even enough for a coffee at Starbucks. Yes, that's a few pennies every month... BUT it gave me hope that maybe, just MAYBE I could turn this blog into something that enriches lives AND my wallet. 

Same with YouTube. I decided that I must make use of the media available to me and attempt to make an impact. With views comes advertisements. And with advertisements come cash in my hand. Cash I can use to do more cool things with! (And maybe it would mean I could stop selling my blood on the side!)

So, you see; we can help each other. The more you share, the more you view, the more you comment, the more I'll be encouraged and motivated to bring better and better things to the internet table. You can be entertained, and I can have a means of having pocket money that doesn't involve pouring out my body's liquids. 

I know this is probably a deal with the devil concept here that no one will take me up on, but if your resolution is to be more adventurous or just a better person, then I'm sure you can help!

What is your resolution? Share in the comments BELOW!

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