Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tumultuous Travels

Greetings, Faithful Followers!

I know that I am frightfully late in this blog entry. While I am retelling my most recent adventures, it will become very clear to you the reasons why.

This week I am on a much needed vacation to South Carolina to visit my sister! I have concluded that the universe and powers that be do not particularly care to let people have vacations. The world would like nothing more than to keep us confined to the stresses of ordinary life... My experience has not been exempt form this reality.

Why is it that the week or two prior to vacations prove to be the most strenuous and demanding? I'm all for hard work, but it's amazing to me how much extra gets thrown onto the already cumbersome work-load at the last minute. I had an extra 2 services to plan for and preach in the week before claiming 7 days of freedom. It felt as the last leg to a triatholon, the finish line in sight and then BAM the massive incline hits. Through tears and screams of agony, I toughed it out and made it to the goal...

But not without my share of last minute surprises...

Packing up seemed no big deal. My wonderfully inteligent cat, Boca, got the hint that I would be leaving for a while and became moody fairly quickly, but (I thought) was taking it like a trooper. I'd gotten the house fairly cleaned (ok, by my standards it's still a minor disaster area) and packed the car. I'd decided to start my 9 hour trek from FL to SC at Midnight so that I could miss all heavy pockets of traffic. Plus, I drive better at night and I could make it JUST in time for Chuch in the morning. Brilliant, I know.

I had turned the lights off in the house and was prepared to head out the door with my directions and final item or two that would accompany me in the front seat. I said "goodbye, Boca!" and proceeded to walk out the front door. That's when Boca did something predictable; he snuck out between my feet and enjoyed a breath of ultimate outside freedom. No big deal, I thought, he does this infrequently. I just say "NO!" and then he stops and I throw him back inside... Except for tonight...

No sooner do I say "Stop!" then Boca gets the bright idea to RUN! There is a tree right outside my front door where, from the windor, Boca has witnessed other outside cats climb up this tree and disappear onto the roof. Apparently, Boca decided that this night would be the night to immitate these cats... He jumped a clear 4 feet onto a branch and proceeded to climb. I dropped my belongings and also jumped about 4 feet, grabbing him before he could advance further on his daring, arborous adventure.

After I threw him to the ground, he ran around my car, trying to avoid a panicked me, before running back into the door held ajar from my bewhildered exclamation.

Not exactly how I like to begin long journeys; pumping adrenaline through my veins while chasing around cats with cabin fever.

The car ride was uneventful. Long and arduous, I made it to my destination on time and in one piece. I was looking forward to the opportunity to relax, catch up on some blogging, spend major time in self reflection and explore the newly discovered Spotify (MUSIC! YEAH!) on my computer.

It was only after I was welcomed by my sister at 8:30am Sunday morning and she was helping me carry things into her house that I anxiously asked the question, "Um... Bec, did you bring in my back-pack?" (As it was already absent from my vehicle) A curt and matter of fact "Nope." was the reply...

Instant despair. No water needed to be added. I was perplexed. After the daring escape attempt, I'd taken a final tour through the house to be 100% SURE that I had EVERYTHING. Nothing was left in the house that I intended to bring along with me. Despair quickly turned to horrored panic as the only other possibility came to my mind -"I LEFT THE BACKPACK (with my laptop, books, and phone charger) OUTSIDE!!!!"

In a flash, I was on my phone e-mailing my pastor (who, as grace would have it, lives next door to m) and kindly asked if he would just double check on my grave error. He did, and I indeed left my poor bookbag with my most precious belongings out in the carport. Thank God no one grabbed it and there was no adverse weather happening that night!

A sigh of relief. Then a sigh of regret. A whole week without a computer. A whole week without the intant ability to blog, post on facebook, listen to music... or play minecraft!?!? Then the optimist in me perked up. YES! A whole week without that stupid piece of technology! I can reconnect with myself and be freed from the constant distraction. Look, I'm not saying that was the best thing that's ever happened to me, but I do know that God knows what's best. And I'm thinking this will be most beneficial.

Now, I know what you're thinking, how am I telling you all this if my laptop was left 560 miles away? Well, I'm on a library computer where my sister works. We're having a fantastic time. This week will prove to yield some most excellent adventures.

My sister and I have already had major guitaring adventures, are 1.3 movies into a 4 part Alien marathon and will be embarking on a culinary craft the rest of this week. Yes, I'll be joining my sister and putting on my baking hat as we try making a decorative Fudge Cake and other confections.

If you haven't checked out her blog, YOU NEED TO! Seriously. Go to http://becsface.wordpress.com/ There, you have a link. No excuse.  You took the time to read my ramblings, you might as well appease the whole David family. Read, comment, order cookies! That's a sure way to make my sister's week! I promise you'll like her much more than you enjoy my musings.

Now that I've plugged an infomercial for my lovely sister, I must wrap this up and sign off. Moe adventures to come this week, FOR SURE! I just hope more of them are spectacularly better than the adventures that kicked off this vacation.

What's the most spectacular hindrance that's ever occured prior to YOUR get-away?

1 comment:

  1. Cat on the loose! Glad it all worked out! Can't think of any get away mishaps but I have been known to forget to pack things like pajamas. he he
