Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Maintain Radio Silence

Wow! It's already Saturday and I haven't thrown up a new blog post for you guys. I am SO sorry! The week just got away from me there...

What a week it's been! I got back from my sister's place Friday night around midnight. You know her if you read from last week's blog. She's amazing. Go check her out! Know what? I'm going to put a link at the end rather than the beginning. You might jump over there and never make it back here. :P

I might as well share something interesting before you skip to the bottom and look at her awesome words.

Have you ever noticed that there are some occasions where there are just NOT enough parking spaces at Starbucks? It's irritating! You want to get inside and grab a cup of coffee and chill out, enjoy some free WiFi and embrace the atmosphere but you're reduced to going through the drive through and heading home. Sorry, Laptop, our roadtrip was wasted... I know what you're thinking "Yes, of course we've all been there. But what does this have to do with life?" Well, lemme tell ya, this is how my life has felt the past little while.

This point in my life has felt like waiting for a parking spot at Starbucks. I anticipate that some AMAZING experience is on the horizon but there's no space for me at the moment. UGH! Nothing is more frustrating or detrimental to cogent thought or creative energy than to be denied the realization of something incredible.

Sometimes when we're waiting for that special opportunity, we're tempted to park in the lot next door or across the street to procure a resting spot so we can sneak in. I've often thought about doing that but can't bring myself to occupy someone else's spot and rob THEM of the opportunity they were looking forward to experiencing at that next door establishment. Just wouldn't be right!

No, the best answer to this situation (both literal and metaphorical) is to go through the drive though and hope, pray, wish, will through intense thought that while they're preparing the cup someone decides to leave and let a spot open up. It just so happens that was the exact thing that happened this very hour and why I'm typing this up from my comfy couch in Starbucks while sipping a venti iced coffee. YAY! Glorious circumstance! I did not drive home defeated but acted wisely. I just had to buy the coffee first before being graced with a parking spot and the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere inside.

Now back to real life. (I know we ALL enjoy the extended Starbucks metaphore, it's magical. But application awaits!) What does it look like to buy the cup while waiting for the parking space? I don't think I can supply a standard example that relates to everyone. But I do know what it feels like. (Remember a few paragraphs up? This is how my life feels lately.) It's gut-wrenching. You're at the drive through window, the business transaction is almost complete. The moment of truth, the instant in time all of existence hinges on is approaching. Either something will open up and victory will be claimed OR crushing defeat is dealt and the consolation prize pacifies the bitter tears on the retreat trip home...

The stress is epic enough to send a person's heart into shock. Nevermind the caffeine.

This is why, on the precipice of cataclysmic doom or thrilling success, that most people tend to keep these "drivethrough" experiences to themselves. In the event of cataclysmic doom, there's no loss of face if people never know. No point of sharing unless it's a sure thing, right?

I can't live that way any longer. It may not be considered wise to share with people every possibility available to them. It may needlessly raise the hopes of the individual and people around them and, more often than not, end in disappointment. But to shed light on the adventure that is presented should enbolden and encourage all of us. I constantly remember the common colloquialism "No guts, no glory." Four simple words expressing a profound and difficult truth. If we cannot deal with the fear of failure, if we cannot cope with the possibility of falling flat on our faces, then there will NEVER be anything more in our lives than consolation prizes.

I can be content with second place if I was shooting for first. I can deal with the tears of losing. Someone has to lose. But if all I ever shot for was less than spectacular, less than excellent, that would be a pitiful existence. (Ok, MAYBE I did that when it came to school... but what does an A even mean???) Point is, success almost requires failure. To shy away from the pursuit out of fear will always leave you unfulfilled.

That said, I would appreciate many prayers or positive thoughts for this next week. I am thankful for the opportunities that God is bringing to light. This next week has the potential to be HUGE! This week could potentially determine a large part of my life for the next 5 years. This week could impact and shape my future. This week set me on a path that will impact the world in amazing ways. Or, this ext week could fizzle out and leave me deep in a cycle of despair akin to circling the parking lot dozens of times muttering "where can I park?..." Either way, I won't be able to share specifics. Hmmm secrets make for bad blogging.

I suppose I can at least share the outcome if you're interested. The principle still remains. Be bold. Embrace the adventure of the drivethrough. Don't give up on victory. Sometimes you need to buy your coffee before you park. That's life. It's not guaranteed.

Have you had a "drivethrough" experience? Life changing or literal, go ahead and share BELOW! Love to hear from you.

Enjoy the holiday! I am thankful someone reads what I ramble. I'm sure my sister would be thankful for some reads and comments on her blog as well. Here's the link! Go check out her holiday treats!


  1. Glad you found that parking spot at Starbucks. Hope you get that parking spot you're looking for in the next five years too. But hey, I guess that's why we keep driving. ;)

  2. Like the phrase "epic stress". Can relate. he he But, God has written the entire "long poetic composition" ahead of time. (quote to keep that in mind as you go through each day. Many things have piled up on me and it's been hard to see the Starbucks for all the other buildings if you know what I mean. Seek His wisdom and enjoy the drive through OR the trip inside the store. Should have taken my own advice is another day and I'm ready! Have a great week!

  3. Thank you both for your comments!

    There's much to learn on the highway of life. Every road can look similar but I guess it all depends on where you are going.

    Hope this blog continues to inspire and/or amuse.

    Have a great thanksgiving!
