Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A small note on Cen******

I'm actually for censorship of the internet and other mediums.

Ok... that didn't fly. So let's try this...

Let me try to put this as gently as possible while sharing with you a point of view you all may possibly be missing. 

The issue as I see it concerns censorship of internet content. No one is concerned primarily with content of disturbing natures. Most people agree that there are some disgusting things on the internet that simply don't need to be there. But when it comes to the realm of ideas, thoughts and concepts, people get touchy when they're told "DON'T SAY THAT!" As if some paramount freedom has been infringed upon. 

The issue at hand is indeed freedom of speech. Now, before you think you know where I'm coming from and label me a moron for being FOR censorship you need to understand that I highly value and support the freedom of speech. It's what allows me to write this blog. It's what allows me the opportunity to tell millions of people they are wrong. It allows me to challenge the current ideas, ideals and philosophies of the general public and our government without fear of severe legal repercussions.

But let's talk freedom of speech. Forget the economy. You cannot juxtapose the love of money with the civil liberties afforded us from our forefathers. They bled and died to ensure and establish the freedoms we enjoy. To hell with the almighty dollar. It's not relevant to this discussion and I simply won't allow such a petty subject as economic health determine the direction of thought when such an important and intangible concept is being discussed. We're talking about liberty and freedom. Money has no bearing on these sort of ideas. Or, at least they shouldn't. If money runs your ideology, then you have bigger problems than censorship. I pray for you. 

Here's my issue with this much supported and hotly debated "Freedom" of speech: We Americans claim it as our default privilege. We use it as our excuse to say whatever we want. We have free expression. If I want to cuss someone out or use the most subversive, intolerant and inflamatory language to prove a point, illustrate an idea, or just because I want to express myself, then that is my God-given right and no one can say "BOO" about it. (No one has the freedom to criticize or determine what I, as an American, have to say.)

That's the mindset held by the majority of Americans who misunderstand this freedom. Not everyone takes this point of view, and I'm grateful for the minority who actually understand the principle behind freedom of speech, or even the principles governing what freedom actually is. 

You see, we've brought this on ourselves, America, because of our attitude governing our view on freedom. Our freedoms and liberties are NOT privileges afforded us by the founders of this nation. They are liberties which require effort to maintain, and the utmost responsibility in order to preserve their integrity.

Responsibility. A word that sends a dark shudder down the spines of most people nowadays. The connotations attached to that word turn a bitter taste in so many mouths. What does responsibility have to do with freedom? 


Freedom is the power to live. A wise person once wrote "with great power comes great responsibility." (Hey, Marvel wouldn't risk turning that concept out to millions of kids if it weren't true, right?) 

Case in point. If what you write is intended to be influential and impactful, you would be acting very irresponsibly to communicate lies and terribly destructive concepts to impressionable people. We have abused our freedom by absolving ourselves from responsibility. 

Our mouths have gone out of control. Our use of blogging to rant about every single aspect of life has cultivated a generation of complainers bent on gaining agreement without presenting solid, intelligent solutions. Anyone can see the problem, but it takes a real leader to see solutions. If you can't see a solution, don't bother complaining. 

Seriously, the deterioration responsibility in the area of our freedoms stems from a growing aversion to God's word. Proverbs has multiple warnings in regard to what comes out of our mouths and all of them have been ignored along with the other principles found in Scripture. There is no other book which offers profound wisdom and no other book so concerned with the freedom of man than the Bible. It pains me that more people cannot see that and embrace what is taught. But perhaps that's largely the Church's fault in embracing this "separation of church and state" idea.... which is also misinterpreted by today's culture... But that's a story for another time. 

No, we've still abused this freedom of speech. We hide behind the freedom when someone doesn't like what we say, absolving responsibility. We've been flippant with our ideas and concepts and vivid use of language. We've lacked thought, integrity and failed to ask the question "is this REALLY worth sharing with the world?" before spurting off in maniacal rants determined to rock the boat. We spew venemous dissent while abandoning any sense of morality and justice... and then we whine when we're in danger of losing the freedoms WE'VE abused?

I love freedom. I value the responsibility attached. Because of this, I say "Thank you" for reading and allowing me this freedom. But because I also hinge my faith and moral center on God's word, which offers grace while demanding justice, when I see the government preparing to crack down and heavily monitor and censor our thoughts and opinions, I have to tell you all;

"We deserve it!"

We've forfeited our rights by continuously allowing the government to take the responsibilities that should be our own. WE should be taking care of our neighbor, not wellfare. WE should be good stewards of our finances, not waiting for bail-outs from Uncle Sam. WE should be standing in the gap and operating morally, not bickering over which law affords the most financial gain. WE should be careful with what we say, now we're losing that freedom too... 

When you forfeit your resposibility, your freedoms aren't far behind.


  1. Agreed! It's like Israel losing her soul in trying to gain the pleasures the Canaanite world had to offer. More,
    Amos chapter 2 is a lot like America right now...fraud, partying, trampling on the poor...
    We MUST speak up! People want "someone else" to worry about "that"...

  2. Absolutely right! And the part that is worrisome is that whenever people ask someone else to worry about it, it ALWAYS ends in tyranny and oppression.
