Wednesday, November 20, 2013

As I grow

I remember a time when all I had to worry about was finishing what was on my plate. It didn't matter what we were eating, even if it were vegetables, it was my duty to finish every single bite. The fate of some starving child in Africa apparently depended on it. I could end every meal a hero!

It's funny how time rephrases the problems of youth. I mean, as an adult, I'm still worried about handling all the things on my plate. Only now, this plate is the list of things I have to do. AND, this plate is more like 5 plates all spinning on 8 foot poles and I need to keep them going. Also, I'm expected to do this while riding a unicycle on a tight-rope across Niagara Falls...

If this seems about accurate, then the worst part is still to come. Because all this effort and stress, what does it get us? At least as a kid, I had the fabrication of helping some poor kid in a impoverished nation to reward my efforts of cleaning my plate. But there is no such carrot at the end of the stick that society offers now. The harsh reality is that the end of a life of ladder climbing and rat racing, there's virtually NOTHING to look forward to... Except:

A shrinking economy, evaporating social security, declining health care, soaring premiums for insurance, increased stupidity across the board, and becoming part of one of the most marginalized, neglected, and underappreciated age groups in society.

Seriously, if we took one good look at what the future holds and ask "why am I doing all this?" the answer just might make you call in sick tomorrow morning.

Luckily, I've already found the answer to this harsh situation. I know the truth - my clean plate doesn't help a soul in another country. My efforts aren't what secure my future. It's simply my faith in Christ that pulls me through. My future isn't held HERE on earth, but somewhere much, MUCH better.

So, when the pressure is on, and I'm on the tight-rope without the safety net, I rest secure because I'm not bound by that pressure. I can rest easy knowing that nothing in this life's struggle is going to affect my destiny, my sweet reward, and my future in Christ.

Take that, life. BOOM. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Grace isn't a way of life, it IS life!

You could go into nearly any church in America and ask their pastor to explain this wonderful word called Grace.  And nearly every pastor would explain to you that Grace is the undeserved blessing of God that is available to each of us by way of the cross.  It is transformational!  It is powerful!  It is the Gospel!  

There's no doubt that, theologically speaking, any Christian worth their salt can articulate and explain this message of Grace.  Some will even proclaim it as the only way to live.  We are no longer bound by the Law of the Old Testament.  We don't need to fear condemnation or perform rituals to appease our Lord.  Now we abide by Grace. 

I've been contemplating this whole "living by Grace" idea a lot lately.  I've been blessed with the peculiar vantage point to see many people's lives and observe what this actually looks like.  I've learned that there are really two realities that occur when people live by Grace. 

ONE: There are SO many who have the theological concept of Grace written on the walls of their mind, it's inscribed on their very hearts and they proclaim to live by it.  BUT, what I have found is that so many live a dual life.  While they understand Grace, they attempt to consolidate it and make it come under the rest of the Old Testament - which is Law. 

- Where the Law made us aware of our sins, it showed us our incompetence to do anything about it.  Where the Law failed, Grace succeeded.  The sacrifice of Christ, once and for all, paid the price for our sins and GRACE was extended where only condemnation would have sufficed.  Grace, is the sin solution! - 

But too many try to walk a bipolar line when they preach Grace but still live by the Law.  It's incredibly self-defeating.  Because if we hold ourselves under the Law, then Grace cannot free our hearts from the condemnation and judgment associated with the Law. 

To me, it's like KNOWING the right puzzle piece is across the table, but still trying to jam in the wrong fit in place.  Only frustration follows. 

There are others who actually MAKE GRACE THEIR LAW!  Can you imagine that?  Some Christians are so religious that they have to take a gift that was so lovingly given and make others, and themselves, pay for it?

The danger is when we simply understand Grace in our heads only.  Because if we are determined to live under any Law, Grace can easily become a law to our hearts.  We KNOW how Christ would want us to act, or we hyper-extend a concept of Christian perfection that is beyond Christ himself.  We hold the bar so high that even if we had angel's wings, we couldn't make it over the top.  It's possible to bind ourselves with this idea of living by Grace...

TWO: These people understand Grace.  They don't live BY it, they live IN it.  Because they truly understand that Grace is not a concept or a theological paradigm, it's the very person and nature of Jesus Christ!  Grace IS the Gospel.  The Gospel IS Jesus!

When we live IN Grace, it is life.  It is Jesus himself extending His nature through our hearts and into our world.  We are free in Grace because we rest on God's righteousness.  We do not fear the Law because we are not bound to it anymore.  Those who live by Grace do not need to be worried about living by the letter of the Law because the author and completer of the Law lives IN them.  Christ fulfilled the requirements of the Law so we no longer need to strive under the expectations that were impossible for us!

Now here's the trick - we live IN Christ and he lives IN us.  Because he is guiding our thoughts and hearts and actions and LIFE, the Law is met through Him.  That's why we don't worry about it.  The sin was dealt with on the Cross.  We died with Christ, so now we join Him  in the resurrection and grab hold of the fullness of life that is available to us NOW.  

Those who truly live IN Grace extend the same humbling power that they have experienced.  The truth is that we are made complete in Christ.  We lack nothing.  The Law has been fulfilled.  There is no longer any condemnation in Christ Jesus.  A righteousness from God is available to us. 

So Grace IS Jesus.  When we stop focusing on our failures like someone counting malfeasance's waiting punishment THEN we can rest our eyes on Jesus and his Amazing Grace that is able to transform our lives into holiness - Completeness!  Yielding the fruit of the Spirit.  It's Christ's fruit.  We just bear it.  

Just some truth.  Take it or leave it.  Leave questions and comments below.  Thanks!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bring me BACK

Today didn't start out like most days. This morning I woke up with what I lovingly call a Frustration Hangover. I went to bed so flustered and discouraged that the rainclouds actually followed me from unconsciousness back into the waking world as the sun rose. Rarely have I EVER been so down in the dumps that my mood wasn't able to bounce back after a good night's rest.

What made last night terrible? The fact is, nothing immensely tragic or horrifying took place. No one punched me in the nose. No one stole my car. No one murdered kittens in front of me. I didn't trip and fall or embarrass myself in front of the lady-folk. It was just one single, tiny, insignificant straw that broke the proverbial camel's back... and I didn't realize there was so much piled on.

I know you're curious so here's the long and short of it - I moved to Texas 3 short months ago to undertake a new chapter in life. I'm working with the most amazing church right now but only PART TIME. Anyone who's lived more than 3 weeks in the real world knows that - unless you have rich relatives or personal hedge fund - part time work doesn't cut it in terms of survival. Money issues have been a major stressor in the past few weeks. Wait! There's more.

Couple the hours issue with the nature of my line of work. I'm a pastor, it's in my spiritual DNA to put forth  the major efforts of my mind, body and spirit to the church and commit myself to God and His people. Part-time means that I don't even have enough time in the week to make the type of connections and efforts that I would WANT to do in ministry. Meaning, I don't feel that I'm giving 100% because... well... I'm not.

Here's the crazy part. Listen, I know that God provides. He says so in his word. I've heard the testimonies of God's blessings and amazingness. I've lived it, heck, I've preached it. But even still, I found myself immensely discouraged. Especially this next part.

I believed that God gives all of us gifts to use. One of my gifts is that (for the most part) if I can see it, then I can make it happen. Meaning, I'm VERY good at arts and crafts. Pssssst, check out my pics on Facebook and instagram. 

I'd made this halo2 replica sniper rifle to sell to a person on EBay. I REALLY could've used the money right now and spent quite a bit of free time to create. BUT, got a final coat of paint on it and pulled it up to take a look... and... cracked the barrel off... Tears of pain and anguish...

That's why my night ended in complete dismay. Hard work poured down the drain and a chance for cash set back considerably. I woke up this morning in need. Not in need of money or stress relief but greatly in need of renewed faith and encouragement.

And that's exactly what I found in the family that I have at church. I received a word from my brother in Christ that reminded me of God's goodness and faithfullness. I already know God is good and remind myself of the same passages that were shared. But there's something strangely powerful about hearing of God's goodness. God also told someone to encourage me randomly today. It was just a small gesture but it meant the world to me this day. 

And so, just twenty-four hours later, my entire perception has been realigned. My attitude has been refreshed and my faith strengthened just a little bit more.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dream Daredevil

I was never the kid in school who got caught looking out the window during class. You know this kid; the one who is easily distracted by the raging imagination locked up in his head. The structure of the classroom cannot contend with the freedom of thought happening in worlds unseen. I wasn't that kid. My imagination happened to be expressed in the art of duct-tape creations... but that's a story for another time. 

Back to this kid, this daydreamer. My question is, "How come this kid ALWAYS winds up in trouble?" The teacher will always come over, slap the desk, and shatter the thought bubble of this kid who is lost in an epic world of amazing imagination. Why is it not ok to dream?

Think about it. The whole world seems to foster an intense hatred for anyone who dares to dream. The Wright Brothers were ridiculed for their attempts at creating a machine that could fly. IMPOSSIBLE! And anyone who dared to dream differently was labeled "CRAZY." That's still the case today. People who accept the world as it is, with all its problems and limitations, cannot bear people who neglect the pattern - who don't go with the flow - and who dare to dream of something different. 


It's true. All dreamers are CRAZY. That is, until the dream becomes reality. 

When dreamers dare to dream they will face all sorts of resistance, hostilities, haters, and apathy. People hate dreamers because they challenge what IS with what COULD be. If you're a dreamer, then you can't allow others to hold you back from pursuing dreams. There will always be opposition, but if you can overcome it and bring the dream into reality - there's no greater triumph! When dreams come true people take notice, haters are silenced, and it inspires OTHERS to dream too!

That is the whole point of the Gospel. The dream is one that we've been given. God's dream for this world is that HIS Kingdom should reign in our hearts. When Christ is center of our world, when HE is our dream, and when that dream is brought into reality, lives are changed! What IS - the failed, broken, sinful, dysfunctional world that we know gives way to the NEW life that is restored and perfected within the Grace of Christ!

That is the dream. Forget what others are saying and DREAM ON!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Safe to Write Again

Hey there, Faithful Readers!

First, let me extend my sincerest apologies for being absent for so long. I know it's no big deal. It's not like millions of people look forward to reading what I write or anything; but if even one person misses out on my brain ramblings then I feel bad... kinda, sorta...

Exciting times, to be sure! In just a few moments it will be the first day of May. While this fact simply means another turn of the calendar page for most, for me it marks a whole month since my life's story turned a new chapter. It's been 4 weeks since I left Florida to take up the adventure of living in Texas! I don't need to explain to you how drastic of a life change it is to relocate and start life over. I'm sure too many of you can relate to that. 

This leg of my life's journey has helped me realize that there are so many aspects of life that we worry about when we don't really need to. We place such an inflated importance on concerns that really don't make much sense in the grand scheme of things. 

For example, I realize that I placed WAY too much emphasis on "taking care of myself." I don't mean that I was exercising every day, eating right, or trying to better myself (I was trying to do some of that...); I mean that I was so bogged down with stress and anxiety that I was always concerning myself with my emotional state. I would justify an extra snack, hours of mind-numbing entertainment, or a mid-day nap while I blow off the world and its demans - all for the cause of "keeping my mental composure."

I thought that what I did defined who I was. In fact, I loathed that fact so much that I did everything (passive aggressively, of course) I could to resist letting being defined by my position. 

My desire to appear successful meant I would strive for some "cool" things. The big TV, the nice car, the cool phone... and those are all nice things and I do consider myself blessed to have them, but my focus was way off.

What's worse is that I KNEW my focus was off. For the past 3 years I could've screamed in an instant because I knew something was fundamentally wrong with the paradigm I was living. I struggled so much to  keep myself together because the position I was in and the way I perceived the expectations for MY life drove me to where I knew I could not stay. 

Those who know me know I pastor, I work in the church. And even Church people can get the wrong motives and focus on the wrong things. In fact, sometimes we're the worst when it comes to misplaced priorities... because we should KNOW better. I was wrong there too...

I was focused on getting numbers up. My focus was primarily functional logistics and planning over authentic discipleship. Sometimes I would make planning more important than people. 

I put ministry before myself. And my body and mind suffered. 

What's more, I put my Crusade before Christ... and my spirit suffered so much more...

I was stuck. I was in a rut. My heart cringed when I thought about how much work it'd take to pull myself out of where I was. There was no one who could've helped me drag my heart out of the despair. No mentor to lean on, no friend to call up. It was a dark, dark time. 

The only releif I received was the numbing amusements I passified my aching, empty spirit with. But Netflix is a poor substitute for spiritual fulfillment. My relationship with God was neglected. 

It took 1,200 miles to clear my head. It took a drastic life change to shake my perspective back in line. And it took leaving a BUNCH of people I care about to kill my apathy. 

From the wonderful messages from truly inspired individuals here, I've been reminded that my priority is simple - enjoy the presence and love of God. I don't have to worry. I don't have to strive. I don't have to work to obtain something from my Heavenly Father. It's not up to me to work in MY power to fix or heal myself. I'm incapable of doing that anyway. Somehow, I'd forgotten that and tried my hardest to "make it work" where I was at. And it was killing me. 

But now I'm safe. Life feels new again. I wake up each day EXCITED instead of dreading each moment. What makes the difference is the perspective that Truth supplies. The Truth is, Jesus is LORD! He's my All in All. He makes the difference and all I have to do is trust and walk in faith. Simple as that. He supplies the rest. 

And he supplies the REST. 

Good to be back. Hope to discuss some interesting things with ya'll soon!

Monday, January 21, 2013

I, too, have a dream...

It would figure that I would completely miss the fact that it's Martin Luther King Jr. Day... I headed out to Starbucks under the assumption that kids would be in school. NOW, this tiny shop is PACKED with dozens of small children and their respective families... So much for a quiet place to think and work. 

Since I'm trapped in the corner until the crowd dies down, I did have time to figure out why there is an influx of persons here this morning and it did get me thinking on the cause for this holiday. 

The quote "I have a dream..." continues to reverberate inside my head. Possibly the most inspirational speech ever given in America includes the dream of a better world. This dream of a world where people respect and treat each other not just as equals, but as better than what we are, is still not the reality that we all experience. In fact, I would dare say that we've fallen seriously short of achieving this dream. 

In our own minds, the dream of equality can only be reached if WE get what's OURS. If WE can nab the respect due to US. We've become increasingly ego-centric in our aims at equality. We demand justice, we shout for our rights. We tread on the liberties of others to right the offense that has damaged our pride. It is this very course of action that disrupts the dream...

I have found this simple concept true time and time again - In order to GET respect, you have to GIVE respect. Sadly, this concept hardly makes it through the tender pride and calloused hearts of today's society. It is rarely implemented; it is not appreciated and applauded when exemplified. It is ridiculed, denounced, avoided, and hushed. Why? Because it is difficult for anyone to GIVE what is not deserved. 

But giving to others what they don't deserve is precisely the action of character that makes us deserving.

There is still a struggle today. Everyone is demanding what they feel they "deserve." We protest, we complain, we riot. We do this because it's been successful in the past. If we don't get it, we take it. It's ours, we "deserve" it. Whatever legitimacy we have to our entitlement is lost when we choose to behave in an undeserving way. We have become children throwing tantrums just to get another cup of milk. 

Sadly, the dream is still just that; a dream nestled in the heart of freedom. An ideal that still eludes reality because too many have traded patience for convenience, virtue for entitlement, morality for money...

My dream won't be real until people wake up and morally contend with the issues plaguing our nation:

- Abortion
- Same sex marriages
- Rampant unemployment (Due to bloated profits and higher taxes)
- Moral erosion
- Family disintegration
- Out of control Politicians
- General apathy for others

Folks, at the core of these issues is a common cause. This cause cannot be counteracted by any legislature, it cannot be stopped by any petition, it cannot be undone by any committee. No, the cause of these problems has to do with a rotten heart and seared soul. The problem is a heart problem. We have lost our way, America. We have forfeited the dream for the nightmare of self-entitlement. We do not give and soon there will be nothing to take.

Bravo. You've spat on the grave of every single person who sacrificed their time and lives to give you the freedom to throw your liberty away...

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Things I Make

It's FRIDAY! While that may mean payday to some  and the advent of the weekend and rest to others, to me it means that my busy days are approaching. However you shall be rewarded for slacking off from your Friday duties! Here's some stuff I made and a quick description of how I made it. 

Essentially everyone who's EVER played a video game has dreamed of bringing something from the game into reality. I am not immune to this fantasy, so I decided that I would bring Link's Shield from Legend of Zelda into the real world. I know others have already done this, so I knew it was perfectly doable. 

I start with finding a PEPAKURA file online. Basically, it's a program where people can take 3D objects, and digitally "unfold" them into 2D pieces. I can print this out, cut the pieces, and then fold and glue them together to make it 3D again. Think of it like a 3D puzzle. 

It looks like this when I'm done.

Because I print this out of cardstock, the next step HAS to be strengthening this shield so it's not flimsy or bendable. Because a shield that bends or rips is pretty much useless...

I pick up some Bondo fiberglass resin from Walmart. It's the stuff they use on car body-work. It's pretty effective and hardens into a tough shell. (If you decide to tackle this type of project on your own, be sure to read the directions for fiberglass resin CAREFULLY!)

Once the shield has had several coats of resin, I can move onto PAINTING! Priming the shield is key. What style of shield you decide to make helps determine what color to prime. New-looking shields should use a white or metallic to prime. I decided to make my shield look aged, so I primed with black. (I call this style RELIC)

Looks nice, right? Well, now we have to add color. For shields past, I used spray paint. I wanted a smooth, new look, and spraypaint can help that happen. When you do, you get a result like this.

 I used spraypaint for the silver and blue, and handpainted the red and gold. If you're not that proficient at free hand painting, you're in good company. I "cheat" by printing off the detail portion from the internet and making my own stencil.

Again, spraypaint works well for a newer look to your project, but I wanted one to look ancient. Instead of paint, I used Rub n Buff which I could just smear on with my fingers. This is what I ended up with.

I then used my hand  painted cheat for the red detail. Hint: if you put down some torn pieces of masking tape over where you plan to paint, you can get that scratched look. Just pull up the tape after you paint. 

My final piece turned out looking GREAT! Take a look.

Not too shabby if I do say. Only took my free time for a few days to make this happen.