Saturday, August 4, 2012

Four Reasons why Christians Shouldn't Cheer for the Olympics

As Christians, we are called to walk on the side of Truth in EVERY situation. To that end, I've compiled a short list as to why we shouldn't be raising our voices to cheer on America in these 2012 Summer Olympics. 


The whole concept of the Olympics has become a remnant of barbarism amidst these modern times. Look at what's been going on through these sports in the past few years; enhancement drugs, speculations of cheating, doping and what not. Not to mention those poor athelets. In some cultures, they pick prime candidates from children and train them for their entire lives just to compete in the games. That's their whole life. Unending practice, no social life, strict penalties for slacking off when national pride is on the line.  

This is not exactly something that Christ would condone or cheer for. 

Then there's the flailing morals of the atheletes themselves. London has supplied thousands of condoms to the participants in the games. After competition is complete, the olympic village might as well be called a brothel. Do you think Christians should really be lifting up a cheer?


The fact that this is a competition represents the sad fact that there will be other countries that will feel inferior due to their lack of medals. As of the 2010 Olympics, 80 countries have yet to win a medal in the olympic games. Eighty! That's a large number. All those preparations and training, all those atheletes who have spent their time and energy to compete, after all that, they still haven't tasted victory. 

It's a sad testament to Christian values, which strive to embolden and build people up, when Christians support and cheer for an organization which, by its very nature, ensures that humiliation is heaped upon those countries who can't perform as well. They must endure their shame as they watch victors being adorned with precious metals and applauded for their accomplishments.

Christians shouldn't make themselves a part of something so degrading to the human spirit. In order to lift someone up and allow them to claim victory, someone must be torn down and allowed to experience defeat and humilation. Destroying self-confidence and nullifying years of hard work and training. 

We shouldn't be supporting anything or anyone because it might be taken the wrong way from these countries. We shouldn't rub our greatness in their faces.


Simply cheering for America presents its own problems. Forget the fact that the rest of the world has a particular disdain for our Country, and by cheering for the US of A we solidify and cause ourselves to become in opposition with our fellow nations. When Christians cheer for America, we entrench the notion that American = Christian. 

The world has cause to double hate American Christians. Go overseas and you will still find people upset at the whole Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades. I mean, c'mon. We have to stop the hate somehow. We can't become associated with this because it only fuels hatred from countries that desperately NEED to be shown Christian love.


 This whole cheering for the olympics yields nothing productive for the kingdom. SO just don't do it. Jesus would probably condemn the way we sit idly by the television waiting to see our champions claim victory when there's work to be done, souls to save, people to love. We must do better.


False: Sorry, readers. I couldn't help myself. I don't agree with anything I have just written. There is nothing wrong, biblically, with enjoying sports, rooting for your favorite team, or anything like that. This farce was inspired by this guy's blog where he uses a similar (loosely based) biblical logic to explain why the church shouldn't have supported Chick Fil'a. You can check out his blog HERE and see if you agree with his lines of thought.

I don't believe that Christ wanted us to love others at the cost of supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ. I also don't think that God ever wanted us to chicken out on doing the right thing and standing for the principles of holiness, righteousness and redemption just because it might be taken the wrong way by observers or other people. 

Go, GOD! Go, AMERICA! Go, DAN CATHY! Continue to stand up for what's right amidst the onslaught of nay-sayers and critics who only want to slow down the advancement of God's kingdom.

1 comment:

  1. "In some cultures, they pick prime candidates from children and train them for their entire lives just to compete in the games." -- Sounds like the Hunger Games to me :)
