Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Do the Jitterbug

Faithful Readers, when I woke up this morning I realized that I had forgotten to do something incredibly important this week; speak to you about my life, my thoughts, my actions, my inspirations and my goals. I felt exactly like someone who forgot to turn the oven off or who just came to the realization that they left their phone or wallet at a restaurant. Read my post, forgive me and ease my panged blogger-emotional state.

I've come to the decision this week that the negative, gloomy and enigmatic melencholy posts will cease. I don't want to be the brooding blogger who begs for people to feel sorry for them. I want to inspire. I want to give food for thought that won't be vomitted back up from your cerebellum into a pile of black and white helvetica (I love that font, don't you?).

I'm sure you're all wondering what brought about this attitudinal change in the span between blog posts (I know it's not been a regular interval... my bad). Well, God works things out. It's true! just check out Romans 8:28. Once that began to be a reality, my perspective was free to shift back to the bight and sunn side of life. I like it there. So much warmer. Imagine your brain wearing shorts on a beach watching the sunset. What? That's ridiculous to imagine your brain wearing shorts? You'd rather imagine it naked?... pervert!

Anyway, with a fresh direction in life comes a myriad of thoughts. It's true when they say, "what you put in determines what comes out." The minute I determined to take the turn new thoughts and ideas burst through my brain like stormtroopers on a certain starship.

These thought aren't running through my brain to mess things up, capture thought, laser blast ideas and take names. No, these thoughts are taking my brain by force and liberating my thought processes from that "box" people are perpetually trying to escape from. You see, friends, when your thinking is trapped by what is, it's nearly impossible to accomplish anything of merit or value.

The mental place I'm in now, the place I want to be, the place I hope to always stay is in the realm of the impossible. I want to always dream. I love being able to look at what isn't and ask the most important question that has shaped progress in this world; "why not?"

I'm never sure how life springs this trap. You're going along, believing that anything is possible with enough hard work and determination and then something happens to knock the optimism out of you. What once seems clear and possible and in grasp turns into a dark and cloudy mirage... kinda like a painted rock formation from Looney Toons (you know, with Wiley Coyote and the Road Runner). All I know is that this trap needs to be avoided at all costs.

Now that I've somehow been freed from this line of thought, I'm determined to hang onto the wreckless, and sometimes naive, optimism that insists anything is possible. It's not enough anymore to simply accept that this is the best we can do (whatever the situation). The saddest thing it to never unleash the true potential of a situation or person. I want to see the best and, perhaps, I'm foolish enough to believe it can happen. All I hope is that I'm stubborn enough to make it happen.

With that optimism in mind, next week I'll share with you my new year's goals. BRING IT, 2012!

What are you optimistic about?

1 comment:

  1. Am optimistic about a diet that I started the Tues. before Christmas. Not eating all the goodies everyone else is, and I'm ok with it! Optimistic that if I don't get everything done that is on my plate, the world won't fall apart. etc.
