Saturday, July 14, 2012

Brainage Drainage

Umm... I have no excuse. I've had so much on my mind and have simply neglected to post my thought on the blog so so many wonderful (and anonymous) people can read them at will.


Sometimes I find that thought disconcerting. Who are you people? Why do you read my blog and don't post a thought or comment? Do you even read it?!? What if peope just click on the page because the title seems interesting and then skim the first line and declare "BORING!" and skip to the next blog?... The potenitality for judgment frightens me... oh well. Who cares?

Anyway,  these past few weeks have been a blur of events and a whirlwind of adventure and responsibilities. If you've made it this far, I'm guessing that means you're interested in what's been up. Here's what's what!

Massive preparations have been happening for District Youth camp here in Florida. On Monday, over 70 students fom across the Sunshine State will assemble for a retreat from the culture and civilized world they are used to. I'm responsible to make sure everyone has paid, gets registered and that all the cool things (t-shirts, waterbottles, give-away-ables, etc.) are present and accounted for. Also games and activities. Lots to be coordinated. 

That, on top of making sure all my bases are covered for the week I will be gone. On TOP of making sure all my bases were covered this PAST week. I was in Tampa for a conference with all the Wesleyan Pastors in Florida. What a wonderful... uhh... what's the opposite of vacation? 

Whatever that word is, that was it. Stuff to be taken care of with different people at that conference. Driving here and there. I love driving. Got to put an extra 600 miles on my car that week. JOY! Was drafted into the worship team for two nights of celebration during the conference. A few hours of practice filled my afternoons. It was a distinct privilege to share that responsibility, but also very taxing (I'm not THAT great a musician. I'm just good at pretending).

BUT! My best friend in the whole world flew in from Wisconsin just to see me for that week. It was good to see her. She and I have been friends for the past... 15-16 years which makes her the oldest surviving participant in the craziness that is my life. She should get a plaque or something, seriously. 

Wait, you're wondering why my best friend happened to be down for a random conference? Oh. Well on Friday of that conference, I received my full credentials as an ordained minister in the Wesleyan Church. A fairly big deal. My friend and LOTS of family and church family came over to see that service for this occasion. It was heartwarming. 

So, this week, I've been pushing to get all my ducks in a row for this youth camp. In the wake of such an eventful week, I'm feeling very weak. There's a billion and a half things that need to be done. Details that need to be finessed, loose ends to tie and I'm just hoping that everything is in place so that things don't crumble like a house of cards. But in my frantic last-minute time frame, I'm slowing down and losing ground in the energy department. Even now, as I sit, sipping some iced coffee at Starbucks, it's all my body can do to stay awake and alert enough to finish this blog. This blog post that has been serving as a distraction and short break from the work that is a necessity for me to finish! AHHH!


These are the weeks that breed hardened and tested endurance. I will relish the fact that a vacation will not be far away after all these things have been accomplished. A chance for relaxation and restoration will be available. Fresh breath can fill my soul again. My mind and muscles can be rejuvenated. My batteries can be recharged for another go. I can hardly wait. 

Thanks for reading, by the way. If you have in fact read this far, you are truly a fan. I've said nothing of consequence, but you've obviously developed an interest in my life because you are still devouring my words and thoughts that simply express my comings and goings. Why are you still reading? It's time to comment, let me know that you have been here, leave YOUR mark. Express your thoughts so I can read and enjoy them. 

Tell me, what pressures YOU most in your busy weeks? Is it work? Family? Friends? Unforeseen crises?!? How do you relieve yourself of that stress and make it through?

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