Monday, January 9, 2012

One Down... Fifty-one to go...

It's hard for me to believe that we're already in the second week of 2012. This last week has blown by with Roadrunner like speed but without the cheerful "Beep beep!" that should be there. If life could just be more like a cartoon, I think I wouldn't mind. Although, then life would only happen in half hour installments and there are already enough commercials as it is... 

Change of channel: It's a new year and with that freshness comes a tradition that is as old as self-discipline itself.  I'm talking, of course, about New Year's Resolutions! This concepts plagues our generation as we waste no time picking out the easiest and most generic resolutions. Almost everyone will have "get in shape" on their list. Everyone will have their "must quit _______" to cut out the bad habits. Most will desire to be more adventurous and try new things in 2012. If you have any of these at the top of your resolutions, it's ok, I'm not going to bash you over the head (too hard...).

But why do we have to resolve to do the things we SHOULD be doing in the first place? Has the self-discipline of our current culture lapsed so far into oblivion that we have to have something as momentous as the advancing calendar year to encourage us to make the concerted efforts for health and well-beaing that should be commonplace? Oh, my commentary on the decided apathy of basic human function could go on and on for a while. Just think about it before making resolutions for 2013. 

Well, while some people are content to stick with the classic resolutions, I've decided to improve dramatically and perhaps have a little more fun with mine. Here's my resolutions for 2012. I'm sharing them with you with the intent to have you HELP hold me accountable. I find that community encouragement is the strongest motivator when it comes to reaching goals. Also, you may have full permission to tase me if I fail to meet these resolutions. The threat of minor electrocution being the second strongest motivator when it comes to goal reaching.

1. Say "THANK YOU" better and more often. There are literally dozens of awesome and fantastic people in my life who continually bless me through their actions. They make life easier, they give of themselves without thought of glory or attention or to get anything from it. They sincerely help. Too often I don't have the opportunity to thank them or show them the grattitude they deserve. My effort this year will be to make those opportunities happen. I've already invested in a box of thank you cards and have read up on how to write a legit thank you note (thanks to Google for being an awesome search engine! And thank you, Leslie Harpold for writing that exquisite article!). 

While I'm on the subject of saying "THANK YOU!" I need to take a moment and sincerely thank ALL of you who have endured my spamming status updates on facebook asking you (begging you) to read my blog, submit your thoughts, and suffer my thoughts. My goal for 2011 was to reach 500 views; not impossible in 3 months' time, but still a tall order for a fledgling writer. I'm so happy to say that, with your help, that goal was reached! Thank you for viewing. I promise to talk about more interesting things if you promise to keep lending me your eyes!

2. Read 26 books this year. Look, I'm a fledgling writer, a youth pastor, a 20-something young adult who has a passion for digital media (code for video games). Who has time to read? I need to make time for that. I'm not a power reader. It took me about as long for them to film the Lord of the Rings trilogy for me to read through the books (actually... I don't think I ever finished Return of the King... BLAST!). So this is my meager goal to read a book every 2 weeks. 

Currently I'm engaged in the thrilling and very well written Hunger Games. That'll knock out my first 6 weeks of my goal. If you have any spoilers regarding the Hunger Games... please don't post them; I will find you and hurt you. BUT, if you happen to have any suggestions for books that might keep my attention for 14 days, please feel free to post them below!

3. Study a foreign dialect. Ok, so this one may seem weird to you. I assure you that no matter how intellectual or academic this resolution appears, it is most definitely just for fun. I would like to study the coloquialisms and slang from some different areas of the English speaking world. "Why?" you ask. It keys into my resolution for 2013 - Talk for the whole year in a different accent! (Told you it was purely for fun!) Life's som much more interesting with a British accent, doncha think? Any suggestions for a dialect to study? Leave your thoughts. 

4. Change the world. Right. Yes. Doable. I'm under the conviction and determination that one man CAN change the world. Can it be done alone? Of course not. A leader without followers is just a guy on a walk. This year I will endeavor to pour into people and use my power of influence to help change the world for the better. One small part of this plan is to share my (sometimes) coherent thoughts and different viewpoints on this blog. I will challenge the way people think. I will challenge the way we challenge the way people think. I will present truth that, when followed, causes explosive things to happen. Monumental changes. It can happen. No, it's not my political platform. I'm not running for office. I want nothing more than to see the world change or at least improve beyond its current condition. And that won't happen unless we start changing. 

So this year help keep me accountable in these areas. You can do it! I empower you with the ability to call me out on any lacking AND you have the right to taser me in the leg if I fail come 2013 (please, no practicing on me beforehand). Do the things you're supposed to be doing already and let's accomplish the spectacular together. Only 51 weeks left. Fifty-one weeks to accomplish the incredible. Fifty-one opportunities to realize change, improvement, transformation. Join me. 

What's your non-traditional resolution for this year?

1 comment:

  1. These sound silly but here they are: 1) Finally have my wisdom teeth removed. and 2) Eat more slowly. Both are monumental tasks for me!!
