Woah! I must appologize to you faithful blog readers (and 4 subscribers!). I was so busy this week that I was unable to pump out a compelling entry on my normal Sunday schedule. I hope you'll forgive me and take this Monday post as an acceptable substitute.
You see, this week I was charged with the extra responsibility of officiating over Sunday's services at my local Church. Our senior pastor had reason to be away this week and, being the assistant pastor, I inherit the extra slack.
On top of my normal schedule of preparing for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday night and Sunday school lessons, I also needed to plan 2 sermons and plan out a morning and evening service. On paper it seems like no big deal. But if any of you have taken time to shadow your local pastor (or youth pastor), then you realize the immense amount of work, worry and prayer that goes into any particular week.
However, this extra responsibility is not without its reward. My mind feels as if it's been thoroughly exercised as I prepared for these messages. My heart feels at peace from spending time in God's word. And my work week will seem easy breezy this week. PLUS! I have a wonderful week of vacation approaching at the week's end with my sister in SC! WOOT!
Why is it that the week or two before a vacation is extra busy?
My brain is struggling to fire up this morning. Caffeine is flowing through my body's systems but most of my functions don't seem to be opperating at peak efficiency. I've already typed 4 paragraphs and said nothing of consequence... make that 5...
This blog post isn't exactly turning out how I would like it to. I have big dreams for this blog. I know what I'll do; I'll devote the rest of this blog to share with you my hopes and goals for blogging! (Yeah... that'll spice things up...)
I've seen blogs and heard of blogs that gain national attention and are quite famous. People hold these authors, their ideas, writing style, and opinions in high regard. Not that I'm looking for fame or attention (although it IS nice to be noticed), no, I blog because I earnestly feel as if I have thoughts and ideas to contribute to the world!
My number one goal - To change the world. Show people the potential and point to a better way. If I can help shape people's ideals and impact this world, even in a small capacity, then I have accomplished something. Again, this isn't for fame or recognition, but because I sincerely care about the condition and direction of the global community of Earth.
So, if my blog can become an influential powerhouse of stunning ideas, thrilling rhetoric, and foster an expansive community of like-minded individuals working for a goal similar to that which I've shared, I'll have earned a klondike bar.
I have set some seriously high goals for this blog to hit before the end of this year.
I would like to see this blog:
* Hit 500 views by the end of 2011
* Gain 25 more followers
* Encourage more discussions in the comments section
* Gain 25 more followers
* Encourage more discussions in the comments section
* Have at LEAST 3 people share my blog via Twitter/Facebook
2012's goals are much more ambitious, but I think these are reasonable for the last 2 months of '11.
Now that I've shared my purpose and goals with you, will my faithful readers help me attain these goals? Of course, I don't ask as someone who's not willing to recipricate the favor.
What are your goals (internet based or otherwise)? How can I (or any other reader) help YOU reach your goals? Leave some comments below!